Wednesday, 29 June 2016


12x12 scrap page ‘Enjoy the Journey’

For this layout you will need:

Globe Trotter C87 001 x 1
Travelogue C87 008 x 1
Enjoy Your Journey Chipboard DC87 004
Stencil DS 054 C87 range
For flowers: In Transit C87 003 + enamel dots as centre
Other requirements:  clear matte gesso, white gesso, black gesso, texture paste, gouache paints, double-sided foam tape, glue


Your base page is Globe Trotter C87 001, using the luggage side.  To make sure the wet mediums don’t soak through the page, prime it with a layer of clear matte gesso (that will make it waterproof but will not fade out the original paper design).
To make the area around the photo faded so that the layers are easily visible and more effective, use a thin layer of white gesso. Let it dry (or use a dryer if you’re impatient like me).

Using the Stencil DS 054 C87 range and black gesso, make a stamp - try to aim for it to be 1/3 on the area where the paper cluster will be attached.

While the ‘stamp’ is drying, use green and purple gesso to create a ‘frame’ for the photo. It doesn’t matter that the black gesso is still wet, you can dry them together, once you have finished with sprinkling on your paint. You have to make a decision when you have enough paint on (it might be a good idea to dry it with a dryer every now and then and see what it looks like dry; then add more paint if necessary).

When you think you will only need a little bit of paint sprinkles on, stop and put it on the side to dry.

While the page with the wet mediums is drying, make your paper flowers. I make mine using Silhouette cut files and In Transit C87 003 paper. You can use any flowers you want.

With white gesso, prime the Enjoy Your Journey Chipboard DC87 004. Separate the phrase from the frame. Paint the phrase white and the frame purple. Set to the side to dry.

You will now make a paper cluster using Travelogue C87 008. All you need to remember is that the top layer needs to be a little bit bigger than the photo you are using; the remaining layers can be smaller as long as you assemble them in a way that makes them stick out from under one another. Use both sides of the paper to add colour and create the illusion of dimension.

Attach the paper cluster to the page, aim for it to cover 1/3 of the black ‘stamp’ and be in the centre of the sprinkled ‘frame’.

Using the Stencil DS 054 C87 range and texture paste, make a stamp - try to aim for it to be partly overlapping with the black ‘stamp’ and partly on the paper cluster. Add the final layer of gouache sprinkles. Let it dry.

STEP 10:
Using double-sided foam tape, attach the photo to the paper cluster. Then add the Enjoy Your Journey Chipboard DC87 004 and the flowers.

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