Friday 26 August 2016


| Altered Shadow Box Trio
Fabscraps DC88 002 Chippie – Love You To The Moon And Back
Fabscraps DC88 008 Chippie – 2x Fairy Wings
Fabscraps C88 005 Merry Weather
Fabscraps C88 007 Blossom
Fabscraps DS055 Filigree Frame Stencil
Fabscraps MC88 001A Carders Pack
Fabscraps MP3 016 Pink Rhinestones
Fabscraps teal flower
Fabscraps ribbon rose buds
Three 6x6 inch square wooden shadow boxes
Glitter – teal
Microbeads – teal
Mist - teal
Glitter glue – pink, plum and teal
Chalks – plum, brown, teal
White acrylic paint
Heavy white Gesso
Plum paper roses
Glossy accents
Glue gun
Foam dots


·                Adhere corresponding fairy wing die cuts to both sets of fairy wings.  Remove from frame, cut both pairs in half and chalk all edges with plum. Set aside
·                Coat your title chippie with at least 3 coats of white acrylic paint and once dry, cut from frame.  Use your teal ink and a paintbrush to carefully paint just “moon”.  Lightly brush the top and bottom edges with plum.  Coat with glossy accents and set aside to dry

Shadow Boxes

·                Spray the outer rim of your boxes with teal mist and leave to dry
·                Paint the inner edge frame with several coats of white acrylic paint and allow to dry
·                Measure off strips of C88 005 (polka dot side up) and cover the outer edges of your shadow boxes.  Remove excess pieces by sanding
·                Measure the insides of your box and cut: central box – C88 005 and two outer boxes – select the greenish hued pages from your carders pack.  Distress all these edges.  Using your DS055 stencil, apply a coat of heavy white Gesso to just the two outer squares.  While still wet, sprinkle with glitter and microbeads.  Set aside to dry, then adhere them inside your boxes
·                Arrange how you’d like your boxes to be displayed and adhere the sides together using Tombow.  Allow it to dry completely overnight


·                Select two photographs and fussy cut the subject person.  Adhere the fairy wings chippies underneath the photographs
·                Fussy cut elements (fairies, flowers, bird, butterfly) from C88 005 Merry weather and also from pages from your carders pack (select both plum and teal elements).  Chalk all edges using brown
·                Arrange photographs as you would like them across your three boxes and adhere using Tombow
·                Then arrange your fussy cut elements inside the three boxes – teal in the outer boxes and plum in the centre.  Adhere all elements using Tombow, and save one or two to adhere with foam dots for added dimension

Finishing Touches

·                Adhere your selection of Fabscraps flowers and paper roses in the corners of your boxes, swipe with heavy white gesso
·                Adhere some Fabscraps gems inside the boxes, around your flower clusters

·                Swipe your fussy cut flowers with corresponding coloured glitter glue

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