Wednesday 31 August 2016

Bird Cage Album - by Jeanine de Bruyn

2 sheets of C86 003(Natures garden)
2 sheets of C86 002 (Botanical Bulb)
1 sheet of C86 001
1 sheet of C86 004
Sticker sheet ST86 001
6 Square envelopes (mine were 16 x16cm)
2piecesof chipboard for the cover of the album
Cream, Brown and Green cardstock.
Lace, Ribbon and Embellishments of your choice.

I started by cutting off the envelope flaps then cutting off 1cm from the left side and 1 cm from the top of each of my envelopes these will be the pages for your mini album.
To make the binding I cut 5 pieces measuring 3 cm across x 15cm down, I used the C86 002 paper. I then scored each piece at 1cm mark and then again at 2cm mark and folded them. You should have 5 pieces that resemble hinges now, attach them to each other (see attached photos).

To bind the album glue the envelopes to the binding pieces you have made, they should slide into the open side of each envelopes(see attached picture).
For the cover of the album, I painted the edges of the chipboard pieces black then covered 1 of the pieces with the C86 002 paper and the other piece with C86 001.
I then glued the back of 1 of my chipboard pieces (C86002 on) to my first envelope and the back of the last chipboard piece (C86 001 on) to the last envelope. Now your cover is attached to the album.

To make the flaps on the pages, you will need a piece of patterned paper of your choice measuring 14cm across and 12cm down. On the 12cm side score it at 2cm, then fold on the score line. Add glue to the front and back of the 2cm piece and slide it into the top of your envelope, now you have your flap, I only made 2 flaps in my album.

Cover each of your pages with patterned paper and embellish as desired.
I distressed and chalked all of my papers before glueing them to my envelopes, I cut my papers a little smaller than the envelopes so that a piece of the envelope still showed.
I fussy cut a lot of the images from the papers and stamped and embossed butterflys and doileys onto vellum then cut them out and used them to embellish my pages. This is also a nice way to use up all those bits and pieces of lace, ribbon, stickers  etc. that you have left over from other projects.
I have a short video on which I explain how I decorated each of the pages as well as the front cover.
You can also get a better idea of what I did from the attached photos.

Hope you have fun creating your own mini album.

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