Wednesday 31 August 2016

Berries and kisses ....

Post done by Michelle Frisby

Sometimes you receive a collection of papers and you have so many ideas running through your head and you really just don't know which direction you should take.

Sometimes you receive a collection of papers and you just go for it.

A bit like this collection from FabScraps - C86 - Mother Earth Collection.

I saw the papers, I had been doing a little retail therapy, saw something else, had a special day coming up and everything just fell into place really.

Love you ...

Take one glass jar with a stainless lid.

Cut a piece of patterned paper C86 008 - Berry Bliss 5 inches by 12 inches.

Now cut another piece of the same paper 5 inches and say 4 inches and using a lacy doily punch, punch the edge, tuck it under the large piece of paper and adhere.

Why, because the diameter was a wee bit more than the 12 inches and you would have had a gap.

See that lacy edge?

Cut a circle of the same paper and adhere to the top of the lid leaving a little of the stainless on the lid free to see the edge of it poking out.

Cut out two hearts from corrugated cardboard packaging - tear a little of the top layer.

Cut another two hearts using your patterned paper and tear roughly
 and adhere to the packaging hearts.

Tie a backboard shape using twine around the front of your jar.

I've used a shaped die and cut out the shape on white cardstock and then again using the Berry Bliss patterned paper and adhered together for stability.

I've used a 'love' word punch and punched out on white cardstock and again layered a couple of the words for thickness and stability.

Adhere to the top of the die cut scroll and then adhere to the top of the chalkboard sign.

I've then used small alpha stickers and added the world 'you' underneath.

A pink peg to the top of the left hand side completed the chalkboard.

On top of the patterned paper on the lid I have built a cluster of embellishments using Petaloo fruit vines, leaves, muslin [cheesecloth], flowers and my hearts.

Randomly apply gesso.

Here you go ...

and tucked inside - a jar full of wild berries [lollies] and chocolate Hershey kisses

A gift for my darling husband - berries and kisses.

Happy 30th wedding anniversary Mr Friz.

I will always love you.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow.

For all the days before and all the days to come.

You are my world.


Happy creating.

Michelle [aka Mrs Frizz]

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